
The Consequences of Poor Foot Arch Support

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The Consequences of Poor Foot Arch Support

The arches are important to your foot and body function. Three arches, the medial, lateral, and metatarsal, help you bear your body’s weight and propel you forward when you walk, run, or jump.

If these arches have poor support and have flattened as a result of genetics, aging, wear-and-tear, or injury, you’ll suffer physical consequences. At Go Feet in Mays Landing, New Jersey, Dr. Stuart W. Honick and Dr. James R. Williamson evaluate your arches and give you the quality foot arch support you need for optimal function and feel.

Our podiatrists offer supportive footwear, orthotics, and physical therapy to promote optimal movement patterns and give your arches the support they need.


If the upper curve in the middle of your foot has disappeared due to flat feet or a fallen arch, you’ll notice a lot of unpleasant side effects. Your feet may tire easily, especially if you stand or walk a lot. It’s possible you have pain in the areas of the arches and heels. The pain usually occurs because of strained muscles and ligaments.

The inside bottoms of your feet may swell. Foot movement, for example standing up on your toes, is a challenge and you have notable back and leg pain. Poor foot arch support can also lead to abnormal stress on the knee and hip, causing discomfort and pain in these joints, too.


Most normal feet have an inward roll, but if they angle excessively, you have overpronation. This can cause uneven weight distribution and a rolling in of your ankles.

With excessive pronation, your feet and legs have a harder time absorbing shock, and your body may have trouble with stabilization. Your big and second toes become overstressed. When uncorrected, overpronation can lead to injuries that cause discomfort all the way up the kinetic chain into your knees and hips.


If you have problems associated with poor arch support, such as pain and swelling, you may be discouraged from moving around normally. It’s likely you’ll fall into a more sedentary lifestyle and stay away from physical activity, which only aggravates your pain. Too little physical activity can, of course, put you at greater risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Plus, when you’re feet hurt, you just aren’t enthused to do the activities you love – whether that’s taking a walk with your family, playing recreational sports, or traveling and sightseeing.


At Go Feet, we provide physical therapy to help balance your gait and stance, so you don’t experience as much pain because of uneven weight distribution.

We also offer supportive footwear and orthotics to replicate your arch and support your feet. Customized inserts can be placed in your favorite shoes and prevent long-term consequences in compensating joints.

If you’re suffering from foot pain, come to Go Feet. We can evaluate your arches or other possible problems that are causing you to be uncomfortable and curb the activity. Call for an appointment, or schedule online using this site.