
How To Keep Athlete’s Foot At Bay

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How To Keep Athlete’s Foot At Bay

If you have a scaly rash that’s itching, stinging, and burning on your feet – especially between your toes – you may have contracted athlete’s foot.

This highly contagious fungal infection is irritating and can spread to other areas of your body, specifically your toenails, hands, and in men, the jock area. It’s irritating and uncomfortable. When you have it, you want to eliminate it and prevent it from spreading.

The expert podiatrists at Go Feet in Mays Landing, New Jersey, see some stubborn cases of athlete’s foot. Here are their tips on keeping your feet safe from athlete’s foot.


Athlete’s foot shows up as a scaly red rash. Usually you notice it first between your toes. It itches, burns, and tingles, especially right when you take off your shoes and socks.

Some people develop blisters or sores with athlete’s foot. Particular types cause chronic dryness and scaling that runs up the sides of your foot. You might think it’s eczema, so head to Go Feet to be diagnosed. Eczema requires a different treatment than athlete’s foot.

One or both feet may be affected. If you scratch the infection a lot, you may start to get athlete’s foot on your hands or spread it to your jock.


Men are more likely than women to be infected with athlete’s foot. People who walk around a lot in public, moist areas – such as locker rooms, saunas, pool areas, and communal baths and showers – are also at risk.

If you share towels or floor mats with a person who has athlete’s foot, you’re definitely likely to get the fungal infection, too. Frequent wear of damp socks or tightly fitting shoes are also causes.


Protect your feet at all times when you’re in public places. Wear thongs in public showers and in locker rooms. Wear waterproof sandals when you walk on a pool deck.

You should also change your socks regularly, especially if your feet tend to get sweaty. Light, well-ventilated shoes that fit allow for air flow and help keep athlete’s foot at bay.

After showers or baths, dry your feet thoroughly. Pay particular attention to the areas between your toes. The doctors at Go Feet also suggest you use an antifungal powder on your feet daily – they can recommend a specific brand.

Never share shoes, even if you’re just slipping on a pair of flip flops. Athlete’s foot transfers quickly and easily. If your feet tend to sweat or you get them wet, have an alternate pair to wear. This way, the shoes dry out between uses.


If you have an athlete’s foot infection, do be diligent about keeping your feet absolutely dry. Follow the other preventive measures, such as always wearing shoes in public areas and changing your socks regularly, as well using any over-the-counter antifungal products recommended. Avoid scratching the rash, as this can spread the infection. If you’re particularly uncomfortable, soak your feet in cool water.

Trust the professionals at Go Feet to help you with all your foot concerns, including athlete’s foot. If you’re concerned about an invasive case of athlete’s foot or worry it’s another condition, call the nearest location, or book an appointment online.